Source code for chanpy.core

# Copyright 2019 Jake Magers
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Core functions for working with channels.

ChanPy's :class:`channels <chan>` have full support for use with asyncio
coroutines, callback based code, and multi-threaded designs. The functions in
this module are designed to primarily accept and produce channels and by doing
so, can be used almost identically with each of the aforementioned styles.

An extremely valuable feature from Clojure's core.async library is the ability
to cheaply create asynchronous "processes" using go blocks. ChanPy, like
`aiochan <>`_, is able to do something similar
by leveraging Python's own asyncio library. Channels can easily be used from
within coroutines which can then be added as tasks to an event loop. ChanPy
additionally offers ways for these tasks to be added from threads without a
running event loop.

    Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any function involving asynchronous
    work should be assumed to require an asyncio event loop. Many of these
    functions leverage the use of an event loop for the efficiency reasons
    stated earlier. Threads with a running event loop will be able to directly
    call these functions but threads without one will be required to register
    one to themselves using :func:`set_loop` prior to doing so. Calling
    :func:`set_loop` will be unnecessary for threads that were created with
    :func:`thread` as those threads will have already been registered.

import asyncio as _asyncio
import contextlib as _contextlib
import functools as _functools
import random as _random
import threading as _threading
from multiprocessing import Pool as _ProcPool
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as _DummyPool
from . import _buffers as _bufs
from . import transducers as _xf
from ._channel import chan, alt, b_alt, QueueSizeError

class _Undefined:
    """A default parameter value that a user could never pass in."""

[docs]def buffer(n): """Returns a fixed buffer with a capacity of `n`. Puts to channels with this buffer will block if the capacity is reached. Args: n: A positive number. """ return _bufs.FixedBuffer(n)
[docs]def dropping_buffer(n): """Returns a windowing buffer that drops inputs when capacity is reached. Puts to channels with this buffer will appear successful after the capacity is reached but nothing will be added to the buffer. Args: n: A positive number representing the buffer capacity. """ return _bufs.DroppingBuffer(n)
[docs]def sliding_buffer(n): """Returns a windowing buffer that evicts the oldest element when capacity is reached. Puts to channels with this buffer will complete successfully after the capacity is reached but will evict the oldest element in the buffer. Args: n: A positive number representing the buffer capacity. """ return _bufs.SlidingBuffer(n)
[docs]def is_unblocking_buffer(buf): """Returns True if puts to the buffer will never block.""" return isinstance(buf, _bufs.UnblockingBufferMixin)
[docs]def promise_chan(xform=None, ex_handler=None): """Returns a channel that emits the same value forever. Creates a channel with an optional :any:`transducer` and exception handler that always returns the same value to consumers. The value emitted will be the first item put onto the channel or None if the channel was closed before the first put. Args: xform: An optional transducer. See :class:`chan`. ex_handler: An optional exception handler. See :class:`chan`. """ return chan(_bufs.PromiseBuffer(), xform, ex_handler)
[docs]def is_chan(ch): """Returns True if `ch` is a channel.""" return isinstance(ch, chan)
# Thread local data _local_data = _threading.local()
[docs]def get_loop(): """Returns the event loop for the current thread. If :func:`set_loop` has been used to register an event loop to the current thread, then that loop will be returned. If no such event loop exists, then returns the running loop in the current thread. Raises: RuntimeError: If no event loop has been registered and no loop is running in the current thread. See Also: :func:`set_loop` """ loop = getattr(_local_data, 'loop', None) return _asyncio.get_running_loop() if loop is None else loop
[docs]def set_loop(loop): """Registers an event loop to the current thread. Any thread not running an asyncio event loop will be required to run this function before any asynchronous functions are used. This is because most of the functions in this library that involve asynchronous work are designed to do so through an event loop. A single event loop may be registered to any number of threads at once. Args: loop: An asyncio event loop. Returns: A context manager that on exit will unregister loop and reregister the event loop that was originally set. See Also: :func:`get_loop` :func:`thread` """ prev_loop = getattr(_local_data, 'loop', None) _local_data.loop = loop @_contextlib.contextmanager def context_manager(): try: yield finally: _local_data.loop = prev_loop return context_manager()
def _in_loop(loop): """Returns True if loop is the running event loop for the current thread.""" try: return _asyncio.get_running_loop() is loop except RuntimeError: return False
[docs]def thread(f, executor=None): """Registers current loop to a separate thread and then calls `f` from it. Calls `f` in another thread, returning immediately to the calling thread. The separate thread will have the loop from the calling thread registered to it while `f` runs. Args: f: A function accepting no arguments. executor: An optional :class:`ThreadPoolExecutor` to submit `f` to. Returns: A channel containing the return value of `f`. """ loop = get_loop() ch = chan(1) def wrapper(): with set_loop(loop): ret = f() if ret is not None: ch.b_put(ret) ch.close() if executor is None: _threading.Thread(target=wrapper).start() else: executor.submit(wrapper) return ch
[docs]def go(coro): """Adds a coroutine object as a task to the current event loop. `coro` will be added as a task to the event loop returned from :func:`get_loop`. Args: coro: A coroutine object. Returns: A channel containing the return value of `coro`. """ loop = get_loop() ch = chan(1) def create_tasks(): # Note: coro and put_result_to_ch coroutines need to be added # separately or else a 'coroutine never awaited' RuntimeWarning could # get raised when call_soon_threadsafe is used coro_task = loop.create_task(coro) async def put_result_to_ch(): ret = await coro_task if ret is not None: await ch.put(ret) ch.close() loop.create_task(put_result_to_ch()) if _in_loop(loop): create_tasks() else: loop.call_soon_threadsafe(create_tasks) return ch
def _goroutine(coro): """A decorator that converts a coroutine to a goroutine. Goroutines are simply wrapper functions around coroutines (not coroutine objects). When invoked, a goroutine will create a coroutine object by passing all of its arguments to the provided coroutine. The newly created coroutine object will then be added to the current event loop as a task via a call to :func:`go`. The return value of :func:`go` will then be returned (a channel containing the result of the task). The prime benefit of using goroutines over regular coroutines is that they can easily be used from within both coroutines and regular functions. This means they can be used the same way regardless of whether or not the calling thread has a running event loop. Args: coro: A coroutine (not a coroutine object). See Also: :func:`go` """ @_functools.wraps(coro) def goro(*args, **kwargs): return go(coro(*args, **kwargs)) return goro
[docs]def timeout(msecs): """Returns a channel that closes after given milliseconds.""" ch = chan() get_loop().call_later(msecs / 1000, ch.close) return ch
@_goroutine async def _reduce(rf, init, ch): result = init async for val in ch: result = rf(result, val) if _xf.is_reduced(result): break return _xf.unreduced(result)
[docs]def reduce(rf, init, ch=_Undefined): """ reduce(rf, init, ch) -> result_ch *reduce(rf, ch) -> result_ch* Asynchronously reduces a channel. Asynchronously collects values from `ch` and reduces them using `rf`, placing the final result in the returned channel. If `ch` is exhausted, then `init` will be used as the result. If `ch` is not exhausted, then the first call to `rf` will be ``rf(init, val)`` where `val` is taken from `ch`. `rf` will continue to get called as ``rf(prev_rf_return, next_val)`` until either `ch` is exhausted or `rf` returns a :any:`reduced` value. Args: rf: A :any:`reducing function` accepting 2 args. If `init` is not provided, then `rf` must return a value to be used as `init` when called with 0 args. init: An optional initial value. ch: A channel to get values from. Returns: A channel containing the result of the reduction. See Also: :func:`transduce` """ if ch is _Undefined: return _reduce(rf, rf(), init) return _reduce(rf, init, ch)
@_goroutine async def _transduce(xform, rf, init, ch): xrf = xform(rf) ret = await reduce(xrf, init, ch).get() return xrf(ret)
[docs]def transduce(xform, rf, init, ch=_Undefined): """ transduce(xform, rf, init, ch) -> result_ch *transduce(xform, rf, ch) -> result_ch* Asynchronously reduces a channel with a transformation. Asynchronously collects values from `ch` and reduces them using a transformed reducing function equal to ``xform(rf)``. See :func:`reduce` for more information on reduction. After the transformed reducing function has received all input it will be called once more with a single argument, the accumulated result. Args: xform: A :any:`transducer`. rf: A :any:`reducing function` accepting both 1 and 2 arguments. If `init` is not provided, then `rf` must return a value to be used as `init` when called with 0 arguments. init: An optional initial value. ch: A channel to get values from. Returns: A channel containing the result of the reduction. See Also: :func:`reduce` """ if ch is _Undefined: return _transduce(xform, rf, rf(), init) return _transduce(xform, rf, init, ch)
[docs]def to_list(ch): """Asynchronously reduces the values from a channel to a list. Returns: A channel containing a list of values from `ch`. """ return reduce(_xf.append, ch)
[docs]@_goroutine async def onto_chan(ch, coll, *, close=True): """Asynchronously transfers values from an iterable to a channel. Args: ch: A channel to put values onto. coll: An iterable to get values from. close: An optional bool. If True, `ch` will be closed after transfer finishes. Returns: A channel that closes after the transfer finishes. See Also: :func:`to_chan` """ for x in coll: await ch.put(x) if close: ch.close()
[docs]def to_chan(coll): """Returns a channel that emits all values from an iterable and then closes. Args: coll: An iterable to get values from. See Also: :func:`onto_chan` """ ch = chan() onto_chan(ch, coll) return ch
[docs]def pipe(from_ch, to_ch, *, close=True): """Asynchronously transfers all values from `from_ch` to `to_ch`. Args: from_ch: A channel to get values from. to_ch: A channel to put values onto. close: An optional bool. If True, `to_ch` will be closed after transfer finishes. Returns: `to_ch`. """ async def proc(): async for val in from_ch: if not await to_ch.put(val): break if close: to_ch.close() go(proc()) return to_ch
# Global _pipeline* vars are a hack to get pipeline's nested transform function # to work with (pickling workaround) _pipeline_transform = None def _pipeline_initializer(transform): global _pipeline_transform _pipeline_transform = transform def _pipeline_transform_wrapper(x): return _pipeline_transform(x)
[docs]def pipeline(n, to_ch, xform, from_ch, *, close=True, ex_handler=None, mode='thread', chunksize=1): """Transforms values from `from_ch` to `to_ch` in parallel. Values from `from_ch` will be transformed in parallel using a pool of threads or processes. The transducer will be applied to values from `from_ch` independently (not across values) and may produce zero or more outputs per input. The transformed values will be put onto `to_ch` in order relative to the inputs. If `to_ch` closes, then `from_ch` will no longer be consumed from. Args: n: A positive int specifying the maximum number of workers to run in parallel. to_ch: A channel to put the transformed values onto. xform: A :any:`transducer` that will be applied to each value independently (not across values). from_ch: A channel to get values from. close: An optional bool. If True, `to_ch` will be closed after transfer finishes. ex_handler: An optional exception handler. See :class:`chan`. mode: Either ``'thread'`` or ``'process'``. Specifies whether to use a thread or process pool to parallelize work. chunksize: An optional positive int that's only relevant when ``mode='process'``. Specifies the approximate amount of values each worker will receive at once. Returns: A channel that closes after the transfer finishes. Note: If CPython is being used with ``mode='thread'``, then `xform` must release the GIL at some point in order to achieve any parallelism. See Also: :func:`pipeline_async` """ def transform(val): ch = chan(1, xform, ex_handler) ch.b_put(val) ch.close() return list(ch.to_iter()) if mode == 'thread': pool = _DummyPool(n) transform_func = transform elif mode == 'process': pool = _ProcPool(n, _pipeline_initializer, [transform]) transform_func = _pipeline_transform_wrapper else: raise ValueError('mode argument needs to be either "thread" or "pool"') complete_ch = chan() def start(): try: for vals in pool.imap(transform_func, from_ch.to_iter(), chunksize): for val in vals: if not to_ch.b_put(val): return finally: if close: to_ch.close() complete_ch.close() pool.terminate() _threading.Thread(target=start).start() return complete_ch
[docs]def pipeline_async(n, to_ch, af, from_ch, *, close=True): """Transforms values from `from_ch` to `to_ch` in parallel using an async function. Values will be gathered from `from_ch` and passed to `af` along with a channel for its outputs to be placed onto. `af` will be called as ``af(val, result_ch)`` and should return immediately, having spawned some asynchronous operation that will place zero or more outputs onto `result_ch`. Up to `n` of these asynchronous "processes" will be run at once, each of which will be required to close their corresponding `result_ch` when finished. Values from these result channels will be placed onto `to_ch` in order relative to the inputs from `from_ch`. If `to_ch` closes, then `from_ch` will no longer be consumed from and any unclosed result channels will be closed. Args: n: A positive int representing the maximum number of asynchronous "processes" to run at once. to_ch: A channel to place the results onto. af: A non-blocking function that will be called as ``af(val, result_ch)``. This function will presumably spawn some kind of asynchronous operation that will place outputs onto `result_ch`. `result_ch` must be closed before the asynchronous operation finishes. from_ch: A channel to get values from. close: An optional bool. If True, `to_ch` will be closed after transfer finishes. Returns: A channel that closes after the transfer finishes. See Also: :func:`pipeline` """ if n < 1 or n != int(n): raise ValueError('n must be a positive int') results_ch = chan(None if n == 1 else n - 1) # A channel of result channels async def distribute_input(): async for val in from_ch: result_ch = chan(1) if not await results_ch.put(result_ch): break af(val, result_ch) results_ch.close() async def collect_results(): async for result_ch in results_ch: async for val in result_ch: if not await to_ch.put(val): result_ch.close() results_ch.close() break # breaks, then drains results_ch if close: to_ch.close() go(distribute_input()) return go(collect_results())
[docs]def merge(chs, buf_or_n=None): """Returns a channel that emits values from the provided source channels. Transfers all values from `chs` onto the returned channel. The returned channel closes after the transfer finishes. Args: chs: An iterable of source channels. buf_or_n: An optional buffer to use with the returned channel. Can also be represented as a positive number. See :class:`chan`. See Also: :class:`mix` """ to_ch = chan(buf_or_n) async def proc(): ports = set(chs) while len(ports) > 0: val, ch = await alt(*ports) if val is None: ports.remove(ch) else: await to_ch.put(val) to_ch.close() go(proc()) return to_ch
def _every(ops): """Returns a channel containing a tuple of the operation results. Args: ops: An iterable of channel operations. See :func:`alt`. """ ops = tuple(ops) lock = _threading.Lock() results = [None] * len(ops) remaining_results = len(ops) to_ch = chan(1) def setting_result(index): def set_result(result): nonlocal remaining_results with lock: results[index] = result remaining_results -= 1 if remaining_results == 0: to_ch.b_put(tuple(results)) to_ch.close() return set_result for i, op in enumerate(ops): try: ch, val = op except TypeError: op.f_get(setting_result(i)) else: ch.f_put(val, setting_result(i)) return to_ch
[docs]def map(f, chs, buf_or_n=None): """Repeatedly takes a value from each channel and applies `f`. Asynchronously takes one value per source channel and passes the resulting list of values as positional arguments to `f`. Each return value of `f` will be put onto the returned channel. The returned channel closes if any one of the source channels closes. Args: f: A non-blocking function accepting ``len(chs)`` positional arguments. chs: An iterable of source channels. buf_or_n: An optional buffer to use with the returned channel. Can also be represented as a positive number. See :class:`chan`. Returns: A channel containing the return values of `f`. """ chs = tuple(chs) to_ch = chan(buf_or_n) async def proc(): while True: args = await _every(chs).get() if None in args: to_ch.close() break await to_ch.put(f(*args)) go(proc()) return to_ch
[docs]class mult: """A mult(iple) of the source channel that puts each of its values to its taps. :meth:`tap` can be used to subscribe a channel to the mult and therefore receive copies of the values from `ch`. Taps can later be unsubscribed using :meth:`untap` or :meth:`untap_all`. No tap will receive the next value from `ch` until all taps have accepted the current value. If no tap exists, values will still be consumed from `ch` but will be discarded. Args: ch: A channel to get values from. """ def __init__(self, ch): self._lock = _threading.Lock() self._from_ch = ch self._taps = {} # ch->close self._is_closed = False go(self._proc())
[docs] def tap(self, ch, *, close=True): """Subscribes a channel as a consumer of the mult. Args: ch: A channel to receive values from the mult's source channel. close: An optional bool. If True, `ch` will be closed after the source channel becomes exhausted. """ with self._lock: if self._is_closed and close: ch.close() self._taps[ch] = close
[docs] def untap(self, ch): """Unsubscribes a channel from the mult.""" with self._lock: self._taps.pop(ch, None)
[docs] def untap_all(self): """Unsubscribes all taps from the mult.""" with self._lock: self._taps.clear()
async def _proc(self): async for item in self._from_ch: with self._lock: chs = tuple(self._taps) results = await _asyncio.gather(*(ch.put(item) for ch in chs)) with self._lock: for ch, is_open in zip(chs, results): if not is_open: self._taps.pop(ch, None) with self._lock: self._is_closed = True for ch, close in self._taps.items(): if close: ch.close()
[docs]class pub: """A pub(lication) of the source channel divided into topics. The values of `ch` will be categorized into topics defined by `topic_fn`. Each topic will be given its own :class:`mult` for channels to subscribe to. Channels can be subscribed to a given topic with :meth:`sub` and unsubscribed with :meth:`unsub` or :meth:`unsub_all`. Args: ch: A channel to get values from. topic_fn: A function that given a value from `ch` returns a topic identifier. buf_fn: An optional function that given a topic returns a buffer to be used with that topic's :class:`mult` channel. If not provided, channels will be unbuffered. See Also: :class:`mult` """ def __init__(self, ch, topic_fn, buf_fn=None): self._lock = _threading.Lock() self._from_ch = ch self._topic_fn = topic_fn self._buf_fn = (lambda _: None) if buf_fn is None else buf_fn self._mults = {} # topic->mult go(self._proc())
[docs] def sub(self, topic, ch, *, close=True): """Subscribes a channel to the given `topic`. Args: topic: A topic identifier. ch: A channel to subscribe. close: An optional bool. If True, `ch` will be closed when the source channel is exhausted. """ with self._lock: if topic not in self._mults: self._mults[topic] = mult(chan(self._buf_fn(topic))) self._mults[topic].tap(ch, close=close)
[docs] def unsub(self, topic, ch): """Unsubscribes a channel from the given `topic`.""" with self._lock: m = self._mults.get(topic, None) if m is not None: m.untap(ch) if len(m._taps) == 0: m._from_ch.close() self._mults.pop(topic)
[docs] def unsub_all(self, topic=_Undefined): """ unsub_all(topic=Undefined) Unsubscribes all subs from a `topic` or all topics if not provided.""" with self._lock: topics = tuple(self._mults) if topic is _Undefined else [topic] for t in topics: m = self._mults.get(t, None) if m is not None: m.untap_all() m._from_ch.close() self._mults.pop(t)
async def _proc(self): async for item in self._from_ch: with self._lock: m = self._mults.get(self._topic_fn(item), None) if m is not None: await m._from_ch.put(item) with self._lock: for m in self._mults.values(): m._from_ch.close() self._mults.clear()
[docs]class mix: """Consumes values from each of its source channels and puts them onto `ch`. A source channel can be added with :meth:`admix` and removed with :meth:`unmix` or :meth:`unmix_all`. A source channel can be given a set of attribute flags to modify how it is consumed with :meth:`toggle`. If a channel has its ``'pause'`` attribute set to True, then the mix will stop consuming from it. Else if its ``'mute'`` attribute is set, then the channel will still be consumed but its values discarded. A source channel may also be soloed by setting the ``'solo'`` attribute. If any source channel is soloed, then all of its other attributes will be ignored. Furthermore, non-soloed channels will have their attributes ignored and instead will take on whatever attribute has been set with :meth:`solo_mode` (defaults to ``'mute'`` if :meth:`solo_mode` hasn't been invoked). Args: ch: A channel to put values onto. See Also: :func:`merge` """ def __init__(self, ch): self._lock = _threading.Lock() self._to_ch = ch self._state_ch = chan(sliding_buffer(1)) self._state_map = {} # ch->state self._solo_mode = 'mute' go(self._proc())
[docs] def toggle(self, state_map): """Merges `state_map` with the current state of the mix. `state_map` will be used to update the attributes of the mix's source channels by merging its contents with the current state of the mix. If `state_map` contains a channel that is not currently in the mix, then that channel will be added with the given attributes. Args: state_map: A dictionary of the form ``{channel: attribute_map}`` where `attribute_map` is a dictionary of the form ``{attribute: bool}``. Supported attributes are ``{'solo', 'pause', 'mute'}``. See :class:`mix` for corresponding behaviors. """ for ch, state in state_map.items(): if not is_chan(ch): raise ValueError(f'state_map key is not a channel: ' f'{state}') if not set(state.keys()).issubset({'solo', 'pause', 'mute'}): raise ValueError(f'state contains invalid options: ' f'{state}') if not set(state.values()).issubset({True, False}): raise ValueError(f'state contains non-boolean values: ' f'{state}') with self._lock: for ch, new_state in state_map.items(): original_state = self._state_map.get(ch, {'solo': False, 'pause': False, 'mute': False}) self._state_map[ch] = {**original_state, **new_state} self._sync_state()
[docs] def admix(self, ch): """Adds `ch` as a source channel of the mix.""" self.toggle({ch: {}})
[docs] def unmix(self, ch): """Removes `ch` from the set of source channels.""" with self._lock: self._state_map.pop(ch, None) self._sync_state()
[docs] def unmix_all(self): """Removes all source channels from the mix.""" with self._lock: self._state_map.clear() self._sync_state()
[docs] def solo_mode(self, mode): """Sets the `mode` for non-soloed source channels. For as long as there is at least one soloed channel, non-soloed source channels will have their attributes ignored and will instead take on the provided `mode`. Args: mode: Either ``'pause'`` or ``'mute'``. See :class:`mix` for behaviors. """ if mode not in ['pause', 'mute']: raise ValueError(f'solo-mode is invalid: {mode}') with self._lock: self._solo_mode = mode self._sync_state()
def _sync_state(self): """Syncs state_map contents with _proc.""" soloed_chs, muted_chs, live_chs = set(), set(), set() for ch, state in self._state_map.items(): if state['solo']: soloed_chs.add(ch) elif state['pause']: continue elif state['mute']: muted_chs.add(ch) else: live_chs.add(ch) if len(soloed_chs) == 0: self._state_ch.b_put({'live_chs': live_chs, 'muted_chs': muted_chs}) elif self._solo_mode == 'pause': self._state_ch.b_put({'live_chs': soloed_chs, 'muted_chs': set()}) elif self._solo_mode == 'mute': self._state_ch.b_put({'live_chs': soloed_chs, 'muted_chs': muted_chs.union(live_chs)}) async def _proc(self): live_chs, muted_chs = set(), set() while True: data_chs = list(live_chs.union(muted_chs)) _random.shuffle(data_chs) val, ch = await alt(self._state_ch, *data_chs, priority=True) if ch is self._state_ch: live_chs, muted_chs = val['live_chs'], val['muted_chs'] elif val is None: with self._lock: self._state_map.pop(ch, None) live_chs.discard(ch) muted_chs.discard(ch) elif ch in muted_chs: pass elif not await self._to_ch.put(val): break
[docs]def split(pred, ch, true_buf=None, false_buf=None): """Splits the values of a channel into two channels based on a predicate. Returns a tuple of the form ``(true_ch, false_ch)`` where `true_ch` contains all the values from `ch` where the predicate returns True and `false_ch` contains all the values that return False. Args: pred: A predicate function, ``pred(value) -> bool``. ch: A channel to get values from. true_buf: An optional buffer to use with `true_ch`. See :class:`chan`. false_buf: An optional buffer to use with `false_ch`. See :class:`chan`. Returns: A tuple of the form ``(true_ch, false_ch)``. """ true_ch, false_ch = chan(true_buf), chan(false_buf) async def proc(): async for x in ch: if pred(x): await true_ch.put(x) else: await false_ch.put(x) true_ch.close() false_ch.close() go(proc()) return true_ch, false_ch